The Life on the Beach! Lets go on an Adventure! MRI Update!

It was such a fun journey! We drove all the way to the panhandle of Florida!
This guy drove pretty much the whole time and no complaints! In safe hands!
We made it to the beach house! Paradise!
The Beach did not disapoint! 
Lillian and Jasper loved to push the beach wagon!
Sawyer and Conner match Dad!
We came back as the sun was going down, and it was absolutly beautiful!
Take me back! The sand was white and the waves where clear!
Jackson and Jasper playing in the sand!
Some of our treasures from playing in the water! We had such a good time snorkeling for Sea Shells!
Easily the highlight of our trip! We went to Gator Beach in Destin! It was so fun and the kids loved it!

This picture cracks me up! I put my phone in the hole they dug! Lol!
They boys swam it out til the sun went down! 
Lillian and Jasper are buddies! If they aren't riding in the wagon they are pushing it! I always feel so ready to tackle all the things when I get home! Totally reguvinated! Even though its hard to get back to the reality of it all! These guys make all the things worth it.

Conner's Corner!
Conner had a MRI today and the results are good! The tumor is definatly still shrinking and the Chemo is doing its magic! This shows side, top, and back of his MRI's from January, May, and then the ones from today. It pretty much says it all! I am so happy! Keep working Chemo. 
And he truly had a wonderful time at the beach. So nice to get some sunshine. He was covered in sunscreen at all times! Lol!


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