Conner Update

Hey everyone. The past 30 hours have been such a blur. ER visit. Ambulance ride. Brandon driving all night to get here. Cat scans. MRIs. Surgery. SO MANY PEOPLE IN AND OUT. Which is awesome and so scary at the same time. The amount of immediate support I was given by family was no surprise. I know how lucky I am. So thankful for them all!
This photo was taken on Monday. "Everyone say doughnuts!". You can see that left side is just not 100%.
This dude has so little under his control, his way of dealing with that is controlling the TV. He loves the movies. I think we've watched Super Pets like eight times now. This picture was in the Eau Claire ER. I wasn't frustrated, but had an ominous feeling. Waiting for results of the Catscan. No news, then the bomb drops. "There is a mass in his head surrounded by a substantial amount of fluid. Your going to Rochester tonight, and the neology team will be waiting for you". SCARY AS FUCK. (Not going to apologize for swearing because "heck" just isn't going to cut it). The doctor was in tears telling me. Conner is so sweet and exceptionally cute, always smiling. Seriously his whole team immediately falls in love as soon as they meet him.
Super proud because we got an IV. "I got a shot" he told Daddy. 
Ambulance ride and bear all tucked in, in mom's hat. He absolutely loved the ride "my brothers are going to be so jealous". I cannot say enough about the awesome ambulance crew we had. Seriously meeting good people with good hearts in this journey. We were immediately checked into the ER when we arrived.
The Nero team attached little green dots, which set up a mapping system for his brain. They evaluated him and didn't feel like he needed emergency surgery on it. By this time it was like 2am. And he's still smiling. Mick and Beth came, and Chelsa had followed us down. So nice not to have to be alone. Everyone seen Conner, and Grandpa and Grandma got hotel room. Chelsa and I slept in the room. 

They came and got him before the sun was up, prepping him for his surgery. This is the one where they made a small hole in his skull to release the pressure and he has a tube which is draining the access brain fluid. He immediately following this was in MRI for another two hours after that. The doctors are still not sure of anything and won't be until the biopsy surgery which is happening Thursday morning (which is when I'm writing this). They told Brandon and I they are quite confident that the mass or tumor is cancerous. 

I will reiterate that they are not certain. We should have a solid game plan by Monday. What kind of is, where or what it's attached to, and how we will proceed with treatment. Depending on this they will go in after it or leave it and treat it from the outside. His whole team is optimistic for the most part but they want us to keep in mind all the risks. "Kids for the most part respond really well and dance right through treatment". His brain is so young and elastic that it has learned to work around this tumor. If it was an adult it would be much worse because our brains wouldn't tolerate the mass taking up room in our head. Him and daddy resting after his surgery and tests. This has been such a whirlwind. I am coping by not thinking about it too hard, and keeping the room tidy. Also by having a good cry when he's not looking. Seriously the whole thing seems like a bad dream.

Thanks you to my wonderful sister in law for the delivery of our things from the house. Change of clean clothes was awesome, and having some comfort items was so good. Thanks to Chelsa for your shoulder to cry on. Your support is everything. Mick and Beth for your steady love, seriously like sunshine. Mick for cheering him up and keeping him smiling. And lastly for daddy for making it here to be with us. My rock and together we'll get through this. So much love for his little buddy.

I want to tell everyone that the out-pour of texts, messages, and phone calls have so been heart-warming. The village that we have is extensive and beautiful. He is so very loved. Seriously thank you. This is my way of keeping people updated and trying to respond to all of our family, friends, and support team. 

I love you all. Say a prayer and send healing thoughts to our buddy. 


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