Stronger with every struggle!

Stronger with every struggle. Isn't that the truth, and STRONGER, that is the plan. There has just been SO many struggles lately. But I want to be stronger because of them, not weaker. Mick loosing his eye last fall, finding Conner's tumor in January, and me falling off Grace. Mick is still having heart trouble, and it just seems like this is all more then anyone should have to take. Life is just a strugle lately, bills, the business, the farm. I WANT TO COME BACK STRONGER. Watch out for me. Because I am coming! (Even if it is at a limp lol)
I have been finding more and more light in this darkness, and I really feel like I went through a depresson. I feel so much better and I am in almost no pain! I have to keep reminding myself that I am a light, and that I need to keep shining. 
One of the things that really makes me happy is seeing my garden do so good! So far we have had cabbage, onions, and brocoli! Mallory made a salad out of the brocoli and it was delicious! So good! 

The kids found a katydid.They are so cool. They have them on a episode of Bluey, and Bingo calls it a walking leaf. Pretty cool. The kids loved it!
The Sawyer and the kids have been helping me keep these watered and they look awesome! I am so lucky to have people who will help me with everything!
Brandon's corn is taller than me and the fence. We have had just enough rain to keep it happy! I am looking forward to seeing our first corn harvest on it as us owning it this fall. Even if I don't always notice it, I try to remember the sun is always shining somewhere, even if I can't see it. Another thing I have been trying to do is a gratitide meditation. I try to think of all the ways I am so incredably lucky. Even though we haven't had a very "healthy" year, we are all still together, and we are on the farm we spent a decade of our lives working towards. We have so many good things going. Our freezer is full of beef that we raised ourselves, our garden is full of vegetables we raised ourselves, and our children run happy on ground we own. In this way, we are the richest people on the planet. I am getting stronger everyday and I am so blessed. 
Before and after of my fracture. I can't tell that much difference, but the doctor I had said that it shows signs of healing, and it is "stable". I feel great and I have started putting weight on it and walking. I feel so good now that I had my chiropractor appointment! He straightened my spine and pelvis and I am almost back to normal. I am a bit sore, but its not bone, its muscle that hurts now. Next goal is to get stronger!

One of the best things that came from my most recent appointment is that I get to drive! I am free! The first place I drove to? YOU GUESSED IT. 
Seriously it was so good to see her and some tears were difinatly shed. I can't wait to bring her home tomorow. It will be nice to have her a little closer. I so appeciate all the girls down at moms who helped take care of her. I love you all!

Conner's Corner!
Jordy came with us today! Conner really likes it when someone comes with and he has someone to talk to and play with! He gets lonesome when we go with just him, and Jordynn has always been a good friend!
I can't help but wonder what he would say if he knew we named them boogers?
We went on an adventure to find the dolphin fountain, and we found it. Worth a little walk!Conner got a port shirt made by a local lady in Osseo. He likes it so much I thing I will have her make him another one!
The best part of today is that we don't have to come back to Rochester until we com back from Florida! Yayyyy beach vacation! Conner will be doing so much better and next appointment will be another MRI to see how the Chemo is working again! 

Thanks for reading everyone. Lots of Love!


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