Springtime at the Farm!

Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading, I appreciate you all! Its been a while since I last wrote a blog post. Things have been just crazy here on the farm! With spring time comes all that wonderful crazy busyness. I love getting to share it with everyone! 

Jackson is just one of the many kiddos we have to loves to be involved and help!

And Lillian is NOT to be left out. She is and unstoppable force when it comes to helping out around the farm. She takes riding with daddy in the skidsteer very seriously! 

Our good girl Sadie is definatly a help to, even if its just good company and chasing the coons away! We love her!

Little cutie in her play dress/apron!

Here is some of my other helpers, of the many hats I get to wear, aunt is one of my favorite things to be! Getting to see my horse is the best, getting to brush my horse and see my daughter enjoy her to is a dream come true!

Getting to use the cattle pot for the first time was epic. Loading went good even if our chutes and walkways need help and an upgrade. It was so fun to haul all the feeders in on Brandon's truck!!

I'm telling ya! These kids are the best!!

And not to mention that Diamond is the best dairy cow there is. Hands down, no argument. THE BEST. Gentle, and sweet, and all the good things a cow should be. 

The boys have been working hard trying to get the fields planted. Nothing better than watching them get the corn in the fields, except maybe watching it come up!

We have 11 bottle calves, that need to be fed twice a day! They all have names and personalities. We love them all. They are starting to eat grain, and its fun watching them nibble at it!

Conner's Corner. 

The results of the MRI came in around 2 PM. The news is amazing. Conner's tumor has shrunk by around 35%. This is more than our chemo nurse has seen in a year in some cases. They said it is substanial. We are absolutly extactic. You can see in the other picture I posted that his brain is slowing taking back his head and the tumor is getting out of the way. I love it so much I get tears in my eyes!

It is curently 10 pm on monday night, and Conner is finally getting  his chemo and it has been a long day. 

Love you all! Thanks for reading!


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