Easter, and Catching up!


This life sure is beautiful! I am so grateful for the view that I get on this farm!

We went to the Easter egg hunt up at the Lutheran Home where grandpa Jeff works! It was awesome! Lillian loves hunting for Easter eggs!!! Jackson wasn't sure what to think of the Easter bunny!
We had an EPIC easter egg hung for our easter baskets!!!! It was so magical!
The night the Easter bunny came, Conner lost one of his teeth! So we set up a tea party for the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy, because I'm sure they're BFFs! (The morning after, all the cookies were gone!)

Not only was the hunt epic, but the Easter bunny was especially good to our boys and baby girl!! So many good treats were had at

This was on the eighth of April, when we had such nice weather. They absolutly love it when we let them loose, and give them the freedom to get as dirty as posible! They don't like the hose that comes after, but thats farming life for you!
The Jello eggs I made!! So fun!!
Love you Grandma Judy!
Easter down at Grandma and Grandpa Amidon's! The food was awesome, and the Easter egg hunt was so fun! They had a good time looking inside for all the good treats!
Our first bottle baby Teddy. He got sunburned on his nose the days that were so warm, we brought him in the barn, and he perked up a little bit. He is doing better now! 

Little truck riders love going with daddy!!

Picture of Easter at our house! It was super fun and busy. The weather was beautiful! 
Heart melter, thats what this picture is <3 Cuties for sure!!

My good girl Sadie, she'll be a good dog yet. She will turn one this July. She struts around most of the time like she's the queen and gets totally miffed when Brandon tells her otherwise. 
Sawyer and Wallie. "No animals in the house!" Hahaha!

Lillian and Wallie before and after pictures. Beautiful babies!!

Good shot I got of Pearl. She is one of the white cows out in the field. She had a heifer calf and they are both doing good. Even with this weather. 
Farm girl loves helping. And I will foster her love of animals forever. She has her mama's heart for it. 
The snow was just ridiculous. So stressful and crappy. We made it through though it was tough. Poor babies.

Sonic was our first calf in the house. He was half frozen, soaking wet, and covered in snow. He was so far gone that his eyes were glazed, and he wasn't even shivering. Not a good sign. He didn't start shivering until I got him into the tub. It was so neat to see the 100% turn around. I stayed home from Rochester that day, so he would live. 

Our bottle babies! Teddy and Wallie
Josh and Brandon. Josh and Mallory have been a huge help and support for us and we don't know what we would do without them! So thankful!

Snow, and you can see the line of cows going out to meet the skidsteer as they were feeding them. Crappy weather, and we are ready for spring sunshine. For sure.
Finally got a peak of the haymow of our barn. It is full of hay, some of it is better than others. It is all dry however and we have found plenty of dry straw and bedding for our now seven bottle calves. 

Conner's Corner, an update.
Conner is doing as well as can be expected. Brandon and I and all family included, miss his chubby cheeks and baby fat. That has all gone. And in its place is this cutie with almost no hair. He says nothing about his hair, but he hates his port, which as he gets skinnier sticks out of his chest and really bothers him. Having to hold your crying child and tell him that he has to have that for up to a year is just the worst thing. Brandon and I try to explain it to him as best we can, but he right out hates that its happening to him. We let him cuss about it because, lets face it, it is shit. His worst worry should be getting his spelling words right. Not getting a port accessed. I keep telling myself one day at a time, which is my mothers wisdom. But it IS still shitty. He is doing all the day to day things, and has to listen to everyone close to him beg to eat. And our picky eater hates that to. I'm sorry this maybe sounds like me saying only negative things, but these are just things we are doing and dealing with now. He is still our smiley boy, and I know he is for school. He is doing good other than that. We go for treatment early tomorrow like we do every Monday and I THINK this is our last treatment until we get our MRI scans. Say a prayer the brain booger is completely gone. Lots of love everyone!

Brandon and Jenna Young 


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