Life's an Hourglass

 Click HERE for the song that inspired my title. Tears shed listening to that one. "See the sand in grasp, from the first to the last, every grain becomes a memory of the past, oh life's and hour glass"

Hey Readers!

    Sorry this has taken me so long to write. Life feels like trying to stay afloat right now with all the things I am trying to juggle and I am doing it, but man its rough. I seriously can not say enough for my village that surrounds me. Love, support, a kick in the pants when I need it, and they are just always there. I hold on to you all so tight. Seriously I feel like I'm not thanking you enough. Thank you times a million. Brandon and I both. 

Speaking of Juggling. Seriously this has helped me so much right now. Some are glass. Some are plastic. 

This really helps me a lot. There are so many things that have to slide right now. One of the things that I try so hard to do extremely well is to be a good mom. And one of the things that makes me the most irritated is when I feel like I'm not enough. Its irritating because I know its SUCH BULL. Sometimes the negative in my head won't shut up, no matter how bright I shine. But shine and I will and keep reaching for any light I find. And there have are so many things that are lights in my life. With the warmer days come optimism, and I have such a good hope we will look back at this time and wonder at myself and my husband. Trying to live like that one country song. 'Til you can't. If you got a chance, take it. Just out here chasing our dreams, my man and I. 

And I don't know what it is but I find so much joy in these stupid little succulents. I was always like what's the deal. Then I got one. Now I'm hooked. Lol. It is so relaxing trying to keep them from dying and watching them grow. Trying to find the green in all this mud up here at the farm, and the snow that hasn't melted yet. 

The view out the window in the dining room! Love seeing all the cows in the field and living close to them

Love my goofy cow <3

They love it when big brother reads to them.

He had appointments all day. Occupational and Physical. It tires him right out
Big brother came with that day and they had a good time. This was his first access on the clinic side of things. 
 Sometimes they have a the falcon there and it was so coo to see!

Getting really familiar with our appointment places. He loves this wall when you walk into the Mayo underground.

This was the day my mom had the kiddos at our house and we came home to a homecooked meal compliments of her. It was so wonderful. I am so incredibly blessed!!
Life on the farm.
These gals are such a bright spot in my day. So lucky to have them.
These two have such a good bond. They love going together.
The crew when we burned the big brush pile. 

My pride and joy. I am so happy that my baby girl loves it as much as I do!

All the kids, are thriving and growing. Conner is holding steady, spirits are good, and if I could get him to eat something that would be great. 

I love sharing this on here and writing this blog. It shows me just how beautiful my life really is. I am so lucky. 


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