First Chemo Treatment


Hey guys! Life is has just been crazy. Things have been pretty good, dad and I are marching on, trying not to be too stressed out because it all seems so heavy still. The baggage that comes with worry is so heavy. We don't know how to put it down just yet. Conner is doing so well with the treatment, so helps with that. We still have our Smiley-Steve-Tator-tot, and he is just always smiling away. I am so grateful for that. He meets every obstacle with a smile. It is such a blessing he doesn't have to go through this as an adult, and can remain his happy self.

I seriously cannot thank people enough for the help, kind words, and love that we have received. It still brings tears to my eyes how generous people are. At first Brandon and I were reluctant to take it. Now we know we need it. Even just the support of having someone to talk to about it. We love you guys and couldn't be more blessed. Thank you thank you thank you again!

Conner working with his Physical therapist in Eau Claire. (This is the same day that I posted a video of Conner running) We go to the hospital campus for this, and This guy (his name is JonPaul) is absolutely amazing. He is pushing Conner just a bit, and it is so good to see him thrive! He gets tired easily however, and I can't wait to watch him grow stronger!

Daddy can never take a serious picture lol. Always has to make some sort of face!😂

Breakfast at the Canadian Honker. Seriously the best place for breakfast. The coffee is good and the cinnamon rolls are soft and yummy!

The Ronald McDonald house is a lifesaver. We love going there. Seriously a home away from home!!

Clinic appointments all day Wednesday. Waiting for our Doctors and Nurses to come in. 

The view from the 16th floor. So beautiful! 

Conner hanging out as we do paperwork at the RMH. So nice they have an area we can use.

All tired out from his clinic appointments. It was good day.

Prepping for surgery waiting for the call that Dr. Klinkner is ready for him to go back. This is pre-surgery for his Power Port placement. He is seriously so brave. 

All ready to go.

Ugh. This sucks. I wish I was taking our picture anywhere else but here. But Here we are. 

Out of surgery 😌

Tube on the left is his shunt. The triangle is the power port. 

And here we are, at the end of the day. Nurse was flushing his port, getting ready for Chemo.

This is just so immeasurably hard. Please pray now that the treatments work for him. The nurses have been awesome. Conner is getting a combination of Vincristine and Carboplatin. He is getting a low dose, and he gets anti-nausea meds before he starts. He had no side effects this time. We will see how his body tolerates it over the course of the next year (if we have to go for that long, but we already have appointments booked into may). I am hopeful that he will continue to do well with it. Praying the chemo shrinks his tumor. Our next appointment is next Wednesday and we will be going weekly to Rochester. 

I am trying so hard to find a silver lining here somewhere. I can find good in almost any situation (which is something I love about myself, and it drives Brandon nuts), but I just can't with this. Why. This whole journey has been such a black hole of stress, worry, and sadness. I am strong for him, and so is Brandon. I can't worry in front of him, otherwise he is worried. I am so thankful for this blog where I can go and write out my thoughts. Its like therapy, and whoever is reading this, you are my therapist. So thank you. 

Anyway, enough with my pity party! Brandon and I have shirts (and the kids to!) as you can see in the pictures, I am working with Redline and Design in town here, and we are going to set something up where everyone can order themselves! I will let you know as soon as possible when we get them set up. Thank you all, lots of love!


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