Moving Forward

 Hey guys, sorry its been a while since any updates. Life is just crazy. I have been sick with what I think was food poisoning since Tuesday, and Jackson was just came down with chick pox. Like seriously, what next. 

And quite frankly I just haven't felt like it. The stress of what to do for Conner's treatment feels so heavy. Brandon and I have had spats about it back and forth. And then we come together and just tell each other how worried and scared we are. It sucks. 

This is just not something we want to do. Our choice will impact his life forever. It is so hard. However it seems the clearest choice we have is for Conner to continue to see his team in Rochester MN. I have a voice recording from the oncologist Dr. Jonathan Schwartz that tells us a lot of what we need to know and put my mind at ease. If anyone would like to listen, message me and I will send it to you. It is 37 minutes long. I spent most of last week (when I wasn't battling flu like symptoms) looking into second opinions, and unless we go with a holistic solution, everyone agrees this is the best route to go. I looked into a natural treatment, but we run the risk of it not working and Conner suffering symptoms of his tumor growing. 

That being said, Conner goes in for treatment next Wednesday, the first of March. It will be a journey. Look for more posts after that! 
Some pictures that I took, although I haven't taken as many as I usually do. Just haven't felt up to it. Lots of love everyone!

Note: I am having shirts made with this design on it (above) at redline design. If there is enough interest I might have him make a bunch!

Playing uno!

Chickadees for Breakfast! 

Cuties! Love their haircuts!

Pretending they were on a boat! lol!

Mama is the comfiest! 
Life on the farm never slows down.

Thanks for reading! See my nest week post. 



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