Hey guys 😀 Conner is strong, sassy, and doing great. 
Huge shout out to Mr. Frase for the water colors. Totally makes him smile to do that! Good picture of his External Ventricular Drain (EVD) on Thursday.These are his works of art. Mom helped with some of this 💓
This is Northern Lights, North for short.  He has a EVD and a shunt. He also has an IV. So 😎 cool. The child life specialist team is so wonderful with all the ways they can make things easier for Conner. 
The whole gang 😘 Draggy on the left, he came from the gift shop. Sparky is the black dragon, he eats bad dreams and came from home. I already introduced north, and snowball we got in the ambulance ride over here.
The physical and occupational therapy teams are absolutely outstanding. More like play time then work. This is still pictures from Thursday before his shunt placement.
These are in the windows on the way up to his room. I thought they were so cute.
In the recovery room, after our shunt placement on Friday. Sparky went with him. 🖤✨
All settled in to our room on the general pediatric floor in Saint Mary's hospital. He was still in some pain when I took this picture. But very much happy to have the tube out of his head!Doing some practicing on going up and down the stairs. Totally happy to be moving around.Therapy in the morning and a nice long nap in the afternoon! 💓Saturday night adventure time!!! 
Played beanbags! Super fun!!
Giant Connect 4!
Our Dinosaur collection. Pretty good so far!!

Right now we're just cooling our heels. There is no one here who can get the paperwork done so Conner can move to the rehab floor. Still a lot of physical therapy and fine motor skills that they want him to work on before going home. Doctor cleared us to go but strongly suggest we continue with therapy. If we go home there is a long wait to get in to outpatient. If we stay he will get three plus hours a day of one on one with professionals. It would be the best thing for him even though we all want to go home. Seriously wish we could skip the weekend and then maybe we'll be home sooner. They're thinking we might be home by Thursday. Fingers crossed.

Extra photos of the campus. So cool!


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