the weekend and Pathology update

Hey friends and family. Thanks you so much to everyone who has helped by sending money, helping with our animals, or our kids. And for everyone who has sent love, texts, messages, and called. The outpouring of love is breathtaking. Thanks so much 😭 Just wanted to start out by saying how appreciated everyone is. Conner is doing amazing. Some pictures of this weekend to get started.
When he fell asleep Saturday night. He's been through so much and deserves all the rest he can get. He's so sweet! It was awesome because this guy got to heal, and that was good. But at the same time crappy because it gave all the worries a chance to catch up. We were all extremely homesick And he wakes up bright eyed and bushy tailed Sunday morning ready to get dressed, put his pants on and take on the day!We went for a walk and he was a total rockstar. All the nurses made a fuss of him 😂Home for the foreseeable future. Such a beautiful building.Tator tot getting some rest. So sweet. 

Here is what we know so far. Conner has a Pilocytic Astrosytoma.
-Low grade brain tumor.
-He will need chemotherapy.
-Surgery, removing the rest of the tumor.
-a shunt placement, so we can take External Ventricular Drain (EVD) out and move around without having to be careful we're gonna rip our brain tube out. 😢

Overall this is better news than the docs were expecting. More than likely this is something he's had for a very long time. Non malignant and benign are words we're using! 💓  However we have some more time to spend here, where not sure how long. I know we can't go home with an EVD. So we have to at least wait for the shunt.

circa January 2016, when Conner was in Mama's belly. Little ten pounder 💓We had a blast playing bingo, Conner had no patience for it and waiting for the prize. He was super bummed because they gave him a vikings hat. I told them that we're Packers fans, and they replaced it. But after all these Nurses and Doctors saved Conners life, and I don't say that lightly, the fluid in his head was deadly, I might be a Minnesota fan?



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