Snow Day!



            What a beautiful snow that we woke up to this morning! The tree was frosted when I was out getting the mail this morning , all covered in snow. Sawyer was absolutely delighted and so was Jordynn, and Brantlee, my niece and nephew. All three of them are in third grade. Even better that it was a SNOW DAY! The school called us yesterday so Sawyer spent the night with his aunt and uncle. So nice to have family close. I took a snow day to and not much office work today. Tried to get my house clean, and the unending task of laundry. Took Sawyer to a blood draw appointment and the kiddos all made necklaces with beads. Always a good day with this crew. 

            Just look at these smiles! It was such a beautiful day and nice because it wasn't bitter cold. The snow was pack-y and the kiddos started a business selling their "snow bales". I wondered to myself what kind of cows or horses eat them? 😂

Sadie always in the thick of things and ready to "help"                 

    I can't even with this! 😂😂😂 

                     My orange tree in the dining room is covered in oranges. My dad had a nice crop off it one year and made a really nice "tang lemonade". They are extremely sour! I will juice them and freeze it to make a lemonade this summer when it tastes better! (lemonade always tastes better on a hot day!)
            Them big blue eyes always get me. I am the only one in the family who doesn't have blue eyes. Such a pretty girl our Lilly is.  

                Tonight I made cheese filled noodles (can't remember what the actual name is) and venison hamburger. I doctored up the venison with some bacon an hotdogs. The kids LOVED it! Cleaned plates all around. Simple ingredients that I had on hand but still different enough to not be spaghetti. Nice to shake things up a little. I told the boys we were having Ravioli, which wasn't quite right either, but close enough. 

Thanks again to any readers. So much love. 


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