Well we did it. And I can't believe we're finally here. One year on signing the papers on the farm. Such a good day, full of good work, good food, and good feelings. It has been a day to reflect on just how far we've come and its so crazy. I would have never guessed it would be this good. (Promise that is the last time I say good 😂) I had/have the same feeling with Lillian. Like this surreal feeling, like its all a really amazing daydream and its so wonderful it brings tears to my eyes. This is what dreams are made of. Right here. Happy Farm-iversery to everyone!!!!!!

I started out the day by dropping off my youngest two Jackson, and Lillian with our wonderful daycare lady. She is just the best. I went from there to the florist shop in Osseo and gave Jane some thank you flowers. She didn't know what the occasion was and I surprised her. But I don't think she realized that she changed our lives and I love her for it. Thank you forever Jane Brown. What a gift this has been. Thank you for selling us this beautiful farm.

I stopped by the bank, then went home to the office and did some paperwork for JB Haulers. Always some emails to follow up on. I worked on QuickBooks and fixed some invoices. Busy busy busy. 

I love seeing this place as a working farm. It always had so much potential. 

After the boys got off the bus, they helped by getting the gate for dad, while I went out into the field. We have some cows that are bit wild and I don't really trust them with our littles right now, not until they grow into Young Men. (get it? 😅) They are such good help to have!
The future of YF

Diamond is always my girl. 

We celebrated by a candle dinner, ham, gravy, potatoes, and green beans. So yummy!

The boys surprised me while I grocery shopped for the other things I needed for dinner. It was wonderful coming home to a clean house. I told them it made me feel so loved <3

I don't remember when, but one time when I sent Brandon to the grocery store, (for anyone who knows Brandon, you know that he ALMOST NEVER does that) he came back from Stockman's with a quart of Neapolitan Ice Cream. The boys were so excited and its kind of been a special thing for us now. It was such a surprise that time I know I will never be able to see it and not think of him. It seriously is the little things. 

We look tired 😂 Must be all these kids, cows, and trucks!

We ended the night with the Party Freeze Game. They ABSOLUTLY LOVE THIS. I try to get all the wiggles out before we go up the stairs to bed. Here's the link

Thanks for reading my first blog. Love to all and God Bless. 



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