Conner Update #2

Hey friends and family! Wow what a journey. And what an amazing place we are in. Everyone absolutely adores Conner. So many people and nurses and doctors and people it's crazy.

Yesterday was a huge day. They took him back around 10:30. They connected a pocket of fluid  that was trapped by the tumor and unable to drain because of the size of the tumor. That should be able to drain now. Through all this they are mostly worried about the fluid and the pressure it was causing in his head. Doctor Daniels, (link below to his bio) has a suspicion that it is a low grade tumor. Which I think is a good thing. We won't know until Monday or Tuesday when pathology gets a good look at it. The mass is about the size of an orange. And they were able to get about half of it out. They will do an MRI tomorrow to see what that looks like. Early next week, we should have a good idea what it is and how we treat it.

 Here is a picture of his head, the white is the mass. This is before the docs went in and took out about half of it and released the pressure. Kinda scary to look at but it's so much better afters yesterdays surgery. Keep praying that yesterday was the worst day we will have to face. 

Through all this our buddy has stayed himself. The relief Brandon and I felt when he woke up and recognized who we are. There are no words.  Doctor Daniels was confident that they didn't hurt him, but couldn't garentee for sure. His brain surgeon is awesome and angels walk beside him. 
Did some leggos this morning. He is so brave and I couldn't be more proud. I'm hoping he comes back stronger.

Sawyer came over to visit today and he lit right up. We found out having Sawyer here makes him homesick and we're still unsure if the good outweighs the bad on that. We (mom and dad) missed the little Sawyer man that's for sure!
Standing at the edge of the bed with daddy today. Doing so good. Dude is wiped out for the most part!
Our fabulous school district and all Conners friends there sent him some pictures and letters. It totally made his day. I read every single one to him. Thank you so much 💓

The amount of messages, phone calls, and people reaching out have been absolutely amazing. Our village has a village and they want to help to! I'm including a screenshot of my Venmo since people have been asking for it. You can help by sending money for door dash we would really appreciate it. I also wish Rochester was closer but support people having to drive sucks, so money for gas would be great as well. I wouldn't ask, but everyone has asked what they can do. 
Dr. Daniels, Conners Brain 🧠 Surgeon!

Dr. Keating, a neurologist on Conner's team!!

Dr. Schwartz an oncologist who will help take care of us in the next steps.!

Here are some cool photos I took of one of the buildings. So beautiful!


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